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Tag: Lab Grown Diamonds

The Sparkling Revolution: Unveiling the World of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The Sparkling Revolution: Unveiling the World of Lab-Grown Diamonds

The diamond industry has always been shrouded in mystery and exclusivity, with diamonds often being associated with luxury and wealth. However, recent years have witnessed a significant shift in the diamond industry, with the advent of lab-grown diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds, also known as synthetic diamonds, are man-made diamonds that are […]

Are Man Made Diamonds the Same As Lab Grown Diamonds?

Are Man Made Diamonds the Same As Lab Grown Diamonds?

No, man made diamonds NZ and lab grown diamonds are not the same. Man made diamonds is also called synthetic or cultured diamonds, which is a diamond product that is created through an artificial process with technology in a laboratory to mimic the properties of a natural diamond. Lab grown […]