Let’s face it, looking for skincare products can be pretty difficult. There are a lot of things that you need to keep in mind if you want to make sure that you’re actually picking something that’s going to be good for you and tend to your needs.
Different products are good for different things and there can be a huge difference even between similar products from different brands. Knowing what certain products do can have a great impact on your regular skincare routine, as well as the health of your skin in the long run.
Although, with so many choices on the market it can get a little overwhelming, especially if you’re new to finding good skincare products. If you already have an established skincare routine you probably have a good idea of what works and what doesn’t work which can make choosing new products a little easier.
That being said, new products can work really well for you or they can not do much at all, and this trial and error process plagues people of all experience levels in the skincare routine community. Things can get really tricky really quickly when looking for new products.
The best way to combat that? Do research before you buy. Being sure of what you’re getting yourself into before you spend money on it is a great way to make sure that you’re actually getting what you’re looking for, which is why today’s article will be looking at Bio-Oil.
This brand is great at making incredible products that nearly anyone can use, and once you know more about them you can decide for yourself if their products are worth adding to your normal rotation. Whether or not you think it’s a good idea, this information will be helpful.
Table of Contents
What Your Skin is For
While everyone has skin and many people make a point to have a skincare routine that caters to their skin’s needs, not everyone realizes exactly what their skin does for their body. Before explaining what Bio-Oil is for, let’s start with explaining what the skin does and why it’s important to take care of it.
The skin is actually the largest organ in the human body. It covers nearly every inch of your body, only excluding your mouth, eyes (most of the time) ears, nose, and more intimate areas that we won’t mention by name in this article.
So, what does it do? Why is there so much skin? The average person has 22 square feet worth of skin, and that weighs roughly 8 pounds. That’s not an insignificant amount of skin, there’s a good chance that you have a rug in your home that covers less space than your skin would.
Well, the skin has multiple functions that are all very important, let’s take a look:
● Keeps all of your other organs inside of your body.
● Protects your organs from things like:
○ Tree branches.
○ Rocks.
○ Jagged glass.
○ Bacteria.
○ Insects.
○ Everything else in the outside world.
● Forms your features.
● Creates human perception of beauty.
As you can tell, skin is pretty important. Humans without skin would just be skeletons with their organs hanging out. Not only would it be ineffective at being a living creature, but it would also be something truly terrifying to witness firsthand.
Why Taking Care of Your Skin is Important
We’ve already established the importance of skin, but that only answers half of the question. Your skin will still serve its purpose if you don’t have a skincare routine, after all. It will still keep bugs from getting into your abominable section.
Well, there are a lot of reasons why it’s important to take good care of your skin. For example:
- Keep your skin moisturized.
- Reduce the risk of infection from cracked skin.
- Reduce the appearance of acne.
- Help cut down on the appearance of wrinkles.
- Eliminate dark spots and bags under your eyes.
- Help avoid serious skin conditions, in some cases if possible.
- Keep you looking younger for longer.
These are a lot of the main reasons why the vast majority of people seek out solid skincare routines. Keeping the skin healthy means that you are very likely to feel:
- More confident.
- More comfortable in your skin.
- Less itchy.
A good skincare routine done regularly can help you with all of these things, even as you age. That’s why it’s so important to take good care of your skin. You only get the one skin, so taking good care of it means it will be better for longer.
That being said, if you’re not concerned about the beauty aspects of a skincare routine, you don’t have to have a very in-depth skincare routine. There are plenty of skincare products on the market that can just help you keep your skin healthy.
The healthier your skin is, the more effective it will be at performing its primary functions, which can mean a lot of great things for your health in the long run. Happy, healthy skin will keep you more protected from the world than unhealthy skin ever will be able to.
Bio-Oil’s Products are Good For…
Now that we understand both what the skin does and why it’s important to take care of your skin, let’s take a look at the products that are offered by the skincare company Bio-Oil. You may already know of this company, but you also might not.
Bio-oil is a company that’s been in the skincare industry since the year 1987, and they were founded with one singular goal in mind: to help people with their skincare routines as much as possible. This has resulted in a variety of products that are used for different things.
It doesn’t matter what your skin type might be or what you’re looking for in a skincare product, you can easily find something that’s made by Bio-Oil that can help you get the results that you’re looking for. Let’s take a look at their most popular products:
- Skincare oil
- This product is designed to help with scars and stretch marks. These fall into the same category because both are considered to be permanently damaged skin. This product can help to reduce their appearance by providing the proper nutrients that the skin needs to fully heal itself as time passes.
- Dry skin gel
- Having dry skin is some serious business. If your skin is too dry it can crack, and bacteria can enter that crack and cause infection. This gel is designed to prevent the escape of moisture from the skin, ensuring that your skin is moisturized for a longer period of time.
- Body lotion
- Ideally, when you use a skincare product on your body it should be able to be absorbed into the skin instantly. When there’s a greasy residue, it can ruin your entire experience with the product. That’s why Bio-Oil has designed this product to be absorbed with as little residue as possible.
- Skincare oil (Natural)
- This product is very similar to the first product that appeared on this list. It is designed to help your scars and stretch marks fade over time. The biggest difference is that this product is made completely out of 100% natural ingredients.
These four products make up the vast majority of what Bio-Oil puts on the market and makes available all over the world. Bio-Oil does go by different names in different countries, however, and that’s somewhat important to know, especially if you like this brand and plan on traveling internationally.
In these countries, Bio-Oil is known as Bi-Oil:
● Austria
● The Czech Republic
● France
● Germany
● Slovakia
● Switzerland.
In this country, Bio-Oil goes by Bioil:
● Japan
In any country that doesn’t appear on those two lists, Bio-Oil goes by the name that we all know and love. This handy little guide will definitely make finding their products easier.
It’s good to know that even if the product goes by a different name, you can still find the same fantastic results no matter where you are in the world. Whether you’re in the United States, Japan, or even The Czech Republic, you can find this fantastic brand.
People all over the world enjoy Bio-Oil for a variety of reasons. Whether they’re looking to reduce the signs of aging or they just want to keep their skin looking healthy, this brand has your back with all of the products that they offer to consumers.
Get the Most Out of Your Skin
Your skin is important for a multitude of reasons. Taking good care of it can help you make sure that it keeps doing its job for as long as you need it to, and that’s always something that’s relieving to know no matter your age.
Looking younger is a great side effect of this, even if it’s not your primary goal. Using fantastic brands like Bio-Oil can help you reach your goal of having happy, healthy, hydrated skin that does its job well, while also helping you feel more comfortable in your skin.